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Thursday 25 October 2012

Clear af:table Filter Value declaratively in ADF, Reset table filter

When we use table component with filter, and we have to manually clear the data that we search by filter.
but ADF provides functionality to clear filter data by one click on Filter icon.

When We drop table on page and it looks like this

af:table , Tabular data in Oracle ADF

Now we have to set atleast one column with RowHeader --true in propertyInspector of table Column.
It mean select table column and go to property Inspector and Set RowHeader to true

Set Row Header Property of af:table to true

Now run the page, and search something using table filter

Clear filter icon on column that has Rowheader true

Now click on the clear icon that is appearing on head of column , for that we have set RowHeader to true
Click on clear filter icon to reset af:table filter

and your table filter get cleared when you click on that icon.

Cheers :) Happy Learning


  1. ok, but now how do you filter on departmentId???

    1. :D exactly

    2. You can add a SrNo column in table and set RowHeader true for that column then you'll be able to filter on DepartmentId too
      See how to add Serial No. column in af:table

  2. Here I came to know ADF provides functionality to clear filter data by one click on Filter icon,Thank you for useful post.Its helps me in my Oracle ADF Learn and practice.
